Hey friends & familia! So as you all know, I am an open book...well as I can be. It's hard to be 100 percent open without insulting or offending someone. I do both A LOT! Not on purpose. I just have no filter. That partin my brain that connects my brain & mouth was broken a long time ago. So while all of you nice tactful normal people still have that part functioning properly, you all can expect it to tug at the the lips & make you not say something stupid. My broken part is filled with dead air so what comes outta my mouth a lot of times is similar to a POOT! Just useless are flying outta my face.
Well having that non filter has been inherited by my 6 year old Isaiah. Isaiah is a great kid. Funny as hell but he has NO TACT! If a person is dark skinned he will say something like, "he looks burnt daddy" Just loud enough for the entire room to hear. Or "Mommy, my brain said you look fat today...what? my brain said it not me!" SMH yes he really said that! His favorite thing to do EVERYDAY, is to tell me that my breath stinks when I try to kiss him in the morning. He doesn't laugh or crack a smile so I know he doesn't say it to be mean. He truly feels my breath is the bane of his existence & I need to understand how much he HATES it! So he will make sounds like he is fighting the urge to throw up, he gags & kicks crazily in his chair. When we ask what's wrong, he squints his watering eyes points at my lips & yells "BREATH!" Again I know he isn't doing it to be mean, but it gives me the sudden urge to wanna punch him square in the bread basket! But I just cover my mouth & swish a couple tic tacs & mouthwash around in my mouth & all is right in his little world.
Now none of this would be bad, considering the fact that it is funny little private family moments most of the time. But he does this to everyone. Me, his mom, my mom, his mom's mom, his TEACHERS! He said his teachers breath "smells like coffee too much". I hope he never told her that to her face, but knowing him, he will get around to it before the end of the school year because she has to know that her breath is a real problem for him. I can go on & on with funny Isaiah stories, cuz the kid is COMEDY & says the craziest things but I can't get mad at him cuz he is way too much like me. So how can I teach him tact, when I too have NO FILTER?
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